Worship at New Life Lutheran Church
Worship at New Life Lutheran Church
Sundays at New Life
Join us every Sunday at 9:00 am for worship with Holy Communion. Stay for Sunday School at 10:30am every Sunday.
On fifth Sundays of the month, our worship concludes with the optional Rite of Healing, with the laying on of hands for any and all who wish to come forward for prayers for healing in body, mind, and spirit.
Worship Resources

The Baptismal Font
The waters of baptism are central to our faith, and the font calls to mind God’s unfailing promise made in those waters, As Paul says about each individual believer, our font is an “earthen vessel” which holds the extraordinary gifts of God (2 Cor. 4:7) so they can be shared.

The Table
At Jesus’ Command, we share in the meal of his body and blood “given and shed for the forgiveness of sins” (matt. 26:26-28). This place, then, is foremost a table where Christ generously feeds us, rather than an altar for us to offer sacrifices up to God. Here, God comes “down” to meet us.

The Pulpit
From this place, God’s word is shared in worship, as members read lessons from the scriptures, and as the Gospel is proclaimed and preached. As at the table, the focus here is on God’s gift, the Word, to us.
Join Us This Weekend
Come seeking, come ready to be stretched in faith, and come ready to find the living Jesus in our midst–in the Word, at the Table, and in the people who gather in his name here.
Sunday Worship
Join us at 9:00am for Sunday Worship
Sunday School
Join us at 10:30am for Sunday School