A Brief History of New Life Lutheran Church

The window at the front of new life’s worship space tells our story-both as a congregation and the grand, sweeping story of the Christian faith. Taken as a retelling of New Life’s history, the seedling at the center of the window with the leaves reminds us of the three predecessor Lutheran congregations, Antioch (Deckers Point), Redeemer (Cookport) and Bethel (on the Hilltop) that came together to become a new church family, new Life, in 1994. The Seedling itself suggests that name, as does the butterfly, a traditional Christian symbol of resurrection

The shaft of light in the window speaks of our faith in the living God who creates us, redeems us in the living God who creates us, redeems us from darkness, and enlightens us. Along with the earliest Christians, we believe this one God is revealed in three Persons-the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit-much like the single beam of light shining in three rays here.

The seedling also calls to mind the parable Jesus teaches about the Word that sprouts like a seed in good soil-Lutheran Christians are grounded in the Word, shared weekly in worship and made a part of our daily lives as law and gospel. The flowing river of water calls to mind the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, the washing of water and Spirit in which God claims us as children and makes us members of the body of Christ. At either side of the growing seedling are stylized depictions of wheat and grapes, symbols of the bread and wine of the meal Jesus gave us -the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

It is our Hope that this window will remind us, our children, and all who are gathered here, both who and whose we are: Growing, nurtured children of the living Triune God, who claims us in baptism, feeds us with the very presence of Christ at the table, and sustains us in the good soil and light of the Spirit inspired Word, so that we will be witnesses who bear the Good News of the life-giving cross for all the watching world

We are people who have been claimed by God's grace in Jesus. As God's beloved, we are:

New Life is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America within the Northwestern Pennsylvania Synod, located outside of Marion Center, Pennsylvania. New Life is a partner in a shared ministry with sister congregation Hope Lutheran Church in Homer City. All of these connections are a part of our most basic, most central identity–we are followers of Jesus, walking and stumbling after the risen Christ to bring the news of God’s gracious Reign wherever we go, in words, in actions, and in love. We are Jesus people, held together by the Spirit, and made new each day.